NSW Splitfest DownUnder 2025 - Aug 30 - 31st.

The NSW Splitfest DownUnder will be held on weekend of August 31 - 1st in the NSW main range.
Register here.
We will have a the prize night at Rhythm Smiggins on Saturday night 6.oopm kick off.
You have the option to stay in Jindabyne, camp in the National Park or my favorite camp on the peaks.
Jump on board and meet some new touring partners, the more the merrier!
This is a free event, there is a guided tour available, but otherwise you must be able to make your own terrain decisions.
Register here.
We will have a the prize night at Rhythm Smiggins on Saturday night 6.oopm kick off.
You have the option to stay in Jindabyne, camp in the National Park or my favorite camp on the peaks.
Jump on board and meet some new touring partners, the more the merrier!
This is a free event, there is a guided tour available, but otherwise you must be able to make your own terrain decisions.